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Religious Education 

Religious Education Long Term Plan         Religious Education Policy       Collective Worship Policy


Our Mission statement is at the heart of all that we do at St Augustine’s.  It forms the basis of all our policies and practices and we work hard to ensure that as a community we stay true to this policy in all that we do. The children have a clear and comprehensive understanding of the schools mission statement and how it shapes all aspects of school life.

Our children know and understand that our school is special, they ably articulate that it is distinctive and that together we have a particular mission to fulfil.

St Augustine’s is a very inclusive school. It is a rich and diverse community and all children are treated equally. This is evident in the achievement for all groups of pupils across school and in the harmony that exists amongst all groups of children.     


Our children have a strong sense of belonging to our school community. They are proud to be members of St Augustine’s. From the very beginning our children learn that they are a special and unique part of our school and that they have something very valuable to contribute to the school community.

The behaviour in our school is exemplary. This is the result of the children's understanding of the Gospel message to care for and forgive one another. They know right from wrong, they know and understand that they have a responsibility for themselves and for each other. They show high levels of respect for one another and they value each other for who they are. This is evident in the relationships that exist between all groups of pupils and between staff and pupils.




Collective Worship

Collective worship is central to the life of our school and plays a key part in every celebration. The celebration of the Eucharist is integral to school life. The children have many opportunities to celebrate Mass throughout the year.  Father Ghebreyesus is extremely willing and supportive. A program of year group masses recommenced last year and parents are invited to share in this celebration with their children.


The children of year 6 also have the opportunity to participate in a retreat which the children find to be an invaluable experience.

Parents, friends and parishioners attend many of our acts of worship, particularly class based assemblies and celebrations at key points in the liturgical year.



The RE curriculum fulfils all national and diocesan requirements. The allocation of 10% teaching time (2.5 hours per week) ensures that all children receive their full entitlement and ensures that RE is given the highest priority on the timetable.

We follow ‘The Way, the Truth and the Life’ programme and supplement this as appropriate with teachings about the Mass and the liturgical year as well as dedicating time to national and international issues around peace, charity and disaster appeals.

The RE curriculum is enhanced by good quality resources, by visits out and through visitors coming into school. This work is supported through the enhancement of the whole curriculum where children are exposed to many opportunities and first hand experiences as well as numerous extra-curricular opportunities to engage and develop their learning beyond the classroom.

Lessons are well planned and care is taken to ensure that the children are fully engaged in their learning through differentiated activities, imaginative and varied teaching styles and strategies and through the personalised support offered. The curriculum is accessible to all children and all are able to achieve and make good progress.

Assessment procedures are robust and ensure that planning is well informed, resulting in good continuity and progression for the children.



Partnership work

We work collaboratively with the schools in our Catholic Partnership and our Family of Schools. Staff network with colleagues to both share and develop good practice and our relationship with the Office for Education at the diocese is well established.

Teaching staff attend training courses for teaching, assessment and worship. The RE leader (Mrs Hughes) attends co-ordinator's meetings facilitated by officers, this supports her role in school keeping her up to date with current events and practice and allows her to work collaboratively with colleagues.

We have an established relationship with the Cathedral Choir service . Our children thoroughly enjoy these sessions and are already benefiting from this opportunity. Twenty two children have currently been invited to join the main Cathedral choir!

We also have an established link with a Catholic Care worker, who is in school once a week to work with us to support the most vulnerable children in school and we have excellent working relations with CAFOD, who visit school on a number of occasions throughout the year.

We have our own school Mini Vinnie team who actively promote and support the work of St Vincent de Paul in school.




Nativity Videos 2024


Click here to view KS1 Nativity